We released several updated drivers and tools for reading and writing data from /to machines with Heidenhain and Fanuc controllers.
The Heidenhain TNC/iTNC device driver for reading and writing data from/to these controllers now also writes tags and values if the device previously reported an error and switches back to no error. If you acquire error information from these controllers it's highly recommended to upgrade the driver. Download Upgrade instructions
The Fanuc device driver for machine-, process- and quality-data-acquisition now supports reading of diagnosis data (errors, temperatures, power consumption from spindles, servos and other components). Reading of unassigned macros, negative or zero macro values, diagnostic items, parameters and PMC data is now supported. Data from these sources can now be output in bits (1-8), byte, integer, long or decimal (float) format. Download Upgrade instructions
Our diagnostic tool to read Fanuc parameters now supports output of controller data in different formats, bits (1-8), byte, integer, long or decimal (float). A detailed documentation of parameters is available. The new tool to write parameter data to Fanuc devices now allows to write values according to the format, bits (1-8), byte, integer, long or decimal (float), required by each specific parameter. Output of error reasons was improved for both tools. Download Upgrade instructions
Our program to output items commonly used for machine-, process- and quality-monitoring now includes reading of spindle load meter (percent) and spindle motor speed (rpm). Download Upgrade instructions