Coexistence with HSSB libraries and Ethernet library
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Coexistence with HSSB libraries and Ethernet library
The relationship of the CNC/PMC Data window library is as follows. Thanks to 'FWLIB32.DLL', the Ethernet library and the HSSB libraries can be used at the same time.

* If you use both libraries of the HSSB and the Ethernet by 32 bit verion, the drivers and libraries which are included in A02B-0207-K730 Edition 1.6 or later are required.
* If you use both libraries of the HSSB and the Ethernet by 64 bit version, the drivers and libraries which are included in A02B-0207-K737 Edition 3.8 or later are required.
* You should use newest version of FWLIB32.DLL or FWLIB64.DLL.
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