For Citizen machines with Mitsubishi controllers CNCnetPDM allows acquisition of machine-, process and quality-data in near real time and its output to various business information systems. CNCnetPDM enables access to all machine data on Citizen machines and to build customized sets of data acquisition items according to your needs. In addition CNCnetPDM has the ability to set and change all writable parameters on these controllers from a remote PC.
CNCnetPDM Citizen IIoT Interfaces
The Citizen MTConnect Adapter enables reading and writing from or to Citizen Cincom machine data by any MTConnect compatible application
The Citizen OPC UA Server adds OPC UA functionality to machines from Citizen with Mitsubishi or Fanuc controllers
In general access from a remote PC to Citizen CNCs is possible if they are connected to your company network via Ethernet. For communication Citizen uses a customized manufacturer specific Mitsubishi API (Application Program Interface). CNCnetPDM fully supports this interface for these Citizen Cincom Machines and Citizen Mitsubishi controls.