For debugging purposes (only!) it can be useful to increase the level of writing information about program activities to the log file directory. Clicking on button ‘Set Flag’ in Section ‘Protocol’ opens a dialog that allows you to control the depth of logging for selected areas:
FIG 1: Adjust level of logging in CNCnetControl
If you click on one of the items the icon under ‘Bit’ changes from 0 to 1 or 1 to 0. Clicking on button OK sets the log level according to the selected items. Please note that with any of the bits set to 1 the amount of data written to the log file folder heavily increases. As mentioned this should be used for debugging purposes only. Switch bits set to 1 back to 0 after you’re done with debugging!
Note: Activating item 'Message Exchange (internal)' is usually enough to get detailed output for debugging.
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