According to the items selected for data acquisition in CNCnetPDM.ini the right lower pane shows incoming data from the devices.
If all collectable items are selected output may look as follows. In general the format for device output is Device number 4-digits, date - time, group id, event type and data. Group id is always identical for multiple items acquired in one cycle.
FIG 1: Monitoring of device data in CNCnetControl
1000 11/26/2023 05:38:21 PM 10000013151 E 2 (E) = Device state (numeric): 0 = disconnected, 1 = connected but not sending data (half alive), 2 = running, 3 = in manual mode, 4 = operation interrupted, 5 = faulted
1000 11/26/2023 05:38:21 PM 10000013151 Z 605 (Z) = Part counter value (numeric), either difference to the last value read or value sent by the device.
1000 11/26/2023 05:38:21 PM 10000013151 A AX1|711.844 568.163 59.603 -495.590| (A) = Data received from section 2 of your device driver. If multiple values delimited with pipe symbols are received CNCnetPDM automatically creates an output record for every TAG_CODE (e.g. AX1) and TAG_DATA (e.g 711.844 568.163 59.603 -495.590) pair.
1000 11/26/2023 05:38:21 PM 10000013151 O STATN|2|STATT|Producing| (O) = Data received from section 1 of your device driver, multiple received values delimited by a pipe symbol ‘|’ are output as multiple TAG_CODE|TAG_DATA pairs.
1000 11/26/2023 05:38:21 PM 10000013151 F ALMST|0|ALMNR|0| (F) = Data received from section 3 of your device driver.
1000 11/26/2023 05:38:21 PM 10000013151 M COMP_MSG|Citizen 5| (M) = Output of Device name (TAG_DATA) as defined in section [RS232] of CNCnetPDM.ini. TAG_CODE is taken from section [ERP] parameter 'Message'.
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