By using the utility program FanucDataGui you can acquire and output information and performance related machine data from your FOCAS enabled Fanuc controllers.
For bidirectional communication between machines with FANUC controllers connected to CNCnetPDM and your applications you can use our free Open Source Client (C-Sharp)
Important: If your machine has a PC that is connected to the controller via HSSB (High Speed Serial Bus) or if you’re using the HSSB features of FANUC’s NCGUIDE simulation software see notes on HSSB below. In these cases run the test directly on the respective PC!
Tip: If you can access the controller via the network it is a good idea to use the program on a laptop with a network connection at the shop-floor in front of the machine. By doing so you can easily verify the results.
If you have installed CNCnetPDM on your PC with a license other than a ‘free license’ and run this program from the folder where CNCnetPDM is installed you get unlimited output. Otherwise the program outputs a restricted set of items. Please see licensing for details or contact us if you have any questions.
Note: If you like to run this program from a different location on your PC you can simply copy your CNCnetPDM.ini file to this directory.
Extract all contents of to a folder on your PC.
Navigate to this folder.
To verify that the controller is reachable you can open a command prompt (RUN->CMD) and type in ‘ping DNSNAME or ping IPADDRESS’ e.g. ‘ping FANUC’ in case the DNSNAME of the machine is FANUC. Verify that you get a response.
Double click FanucDataGui.
In the first field on the left side enter the IP Address or DNS Hostname of your controller.
In the second field you can adjust the port number if you configured FOCAS at the controller to use a port different to 8193 (standard).
The number in the third field ONLY has to be changed if you query data via HSSB (1 = ‘real HSSB’, 2 = HSSB functions from NCGUIDE)
After clicking on the button ‘Query’ or simply hitting ‘Enter’ you should see output similar to the following (here the DNS Hostname of the controller is FANUC):
FIG 2: Fanucdatagui output
In the above example the controller replied which means that it is reachable and has the FOCAS option installed and enabled. In case of an error FanucDataGui outputs the reason for it.
Clicking on button ‘Clear’ empties the output field on the right side.
Button ‘Copy’ enables you to copy the data in the output field to your clipboard and paste it into a different program afterwards.
FanucDataGui outputs the following information:
Here you get information about your machine.
Maximum Axis Number: Usually 32
CNC Type: 15 = Series 150/150i 16 = Series 160/160i 18 = Series 180/180i 21 = Series 210/210i 30 = Series 300i 31 = Series 310i 32 = Series 320i 0 = Series 0i PD = Power Mate i-D PH = Power Mate i-H
Machine type: Either M, T or TT
Series and version number
Number of Axes: Number of axes available on your machine
Additional Information: Numeric value
Device (IP Address or DNS Hostname) Machine States:
Automatic - Manual Mode (aut): Possible values 0 - 11 = MDI, Memory, ****, EDIT, Handle, JOG, Teach in JOG, Teach in Handle, INC·feed, Reference, Remote, TEST (Test operation mode)
Status of Automatic Operation (run): Possible values 0 - 4 = **** (Reset), STOP, HOLD, Start, MSTR (during retraction and re-positioning of tool retraction and recovery, and operation of JOG MDI)
Status of Emergency (emergency): Possible values 0 - 2 = (No emergency), Emergency, Reset
Status of Alarm (alarm): Possible values 0 - 3 = (No Alarm), Alarm, Battery low, FAN Alarm
OEE Machine Status (numeric / text): Possible numeric values 0 - 5 = Off, On (half alive), Producing, Manual, Interrupted, Error
Controller Mode (numeric / text): Possible values 0 - 11 = MDI, Memory, ****, EDIT, Handle, JOG, Teach in JOG, Teach in Handle, INC·feed, Reference, Remote, TEST (Test operation mode)
Number of parts produced, queried via parameter 6711.
Current program: Number of the current program Main program: Number of the main program Sequence number: Actual sequence e.g. 8 = N8 Program comment: Comment, Text in brackets (), 'None' = no comment Program information: Path and name of the program Program directory: Path of the program Program number: Number of the program e.g. 100 for O100
Actual feed rate Actual spindle speed
Possible values 0 - 3 = (No Alarm), Alarm, Battery low, FAN Alarm
Depending on the number of axes of your machine you get the following output for each axis:
Absolute position axis (number) Relative position axis (number) Machine position axis (number) Distance to go axis (number)
The actual tool number is queried via 2 different methods, modal and parameter. For tool number T05 the output would be:
Actual tool number (modal) 5 Actual tool number (macro) 5
If there’s no alarm FanudDataGui shows ‘No Alarm’. In case there is an alarm the program outputs the alarm number (older devices: 0 - 15 newer devices: 0 -19) and it’s description. Depending on the type of controller you get different descriptions e.g. on a Fanuc 18i controller you’d see ‘P/S alarm’ if the NC Program got stuck an invalid G function.
In case there is an active alarm the program outputs alarm axis (numeric) and alarm message (text) queried by 2 functions (cnc_rdalmmsg2 and cnc_rdalminfo). Older controllers typically only support cnc_rdalminfo.
Reads the spindle load meter data (%) and the spindle motor speed data (rpm) from the first to up to 4 spindles.
FanucDataGui outputs servo load meter data (percentage) for every axis of the machine.
If your machine has a PC that is connected to the controller via HSSB or you use HSSB features of FANUC’s NCGUIDE simulation software the above procedure is slightly different. In both cases do NOT use the dll files starting with fwlib (e.g. Fwlib32.dll) included in For HSSB on a real machine use the fwlib dll’s that the machine’s PC uses (search for them). For NCGUIDE use the following 5 dll’s that are installed by NCGUIDE: fwlib0DN.dll, Fwlib32.dll, fwlibNCG.dll, hssb.dll and mcnhssb.dll.
For the test program instead of method 0 input method 1 for ‘Real HSSB’ or method 2 if you’re using the HSSB functions of NCGUIDE.
If you already have a previous version of the program installed and would like to upgrade to the most recent version in the same folder proceed as follows:
Stop the program if it’s running
Delete all DLLs that start with Fwlib e.g. fwlib0iD.dll
Extract all content of into the folder where you have the previous version installed, overwrite existing files.
Run the new version.
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