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This How-To article shows how to connect Mitsubishi M70/M700 and M80/M800 controllers to your company network.



Plug in the RJ45 connector of a shielded twisted pair network cable (at least CAT 5e) that is connected to your company network into the plug labeled [LAN1]

Mitsubishi M80 cable connector location

FIG 1: Mitsubishi M80 CNC network cable connector location LAN1 = 18

FIG 2: Mitsubishi M800W/M80W and M800S/M80 LAN1 cable connector location


Setup network related parameters M80/M800 M70/M700

  1. Change screen to [MAINTE].
    Press menu key [PARA].
    Select [BaseCom param].
  2. If the controller asks for a password again select [MAINTE] followed by [Passwd input]
    Enter the password (default: MPARA)
  3. In section [BaseCom param] check that parameter "#1925 Ethernet" is set to 1. If not, change it to 1.
  4. Move the cursor to the "#1926 Global IP address" item by pressing the arrow keys and enter the desired IP address using the alphanumeric keys and press [INPUT] key to confirm the entered IP address.
    Also enter the "#1927 Global Subnet mask" item in the same way.
    Only if needed enter the IP address of your IPv4 Default Gateway in field "#1928 Global Gateway".

Mitsubishi M80 IPv4 address setup screen

FIG 3: Mitsubishi M80 IPv4 network address setup screen

Mitsubishi M70 ipV4

FIG 4: Mitsubishi M70 IPv4 network address setup screen
  1. Changing this setting requires restarting of the machine. To do so turn OFF and then ON the NC power supply.

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Modified: 2025-01-26