The CNCnetPDM Okuma MTConnect device driver allows monitoring of machine- process- and quality-data in near real time from Okuma machines with OSP P controllers version OSP-P 100 or higher.
CNCnetPDM OKUMA IoT Interfaces
The Okuma MTConnect Adapter enables access to Okuma machine data by any MTConnect compatible application
The Okuma OPC UA Server adds an OPC UA compliant server to any Okuma Lathe, Machining Center or Grinder
Important note: This driver uses unsolicited messaging. If you already have CNCnetPDM running on your PC with a device driver that works with solicited messaging (e.g. Fanuc, Heidenhain) you have to create a separate instance of the service for your Okuma machines.
This device driver requires at least Version of CNCnetPDM and also works with a free license. However, in this mode the driver only outputs the first two items you defined in section [MTC TAG NAMES]. With a valid license you are able to output up to 160 items from the controller, see licensing for details.
Download CNCnetPDM (at least Version is needed) and install it as described in the quick-start-guide.
Edit CNCnetPDM.ini (or CNCnetPDM+Instance.ini) and modify it as follows, leave all other values at their default:
Section [GENERAL]:
AcquisitionMethod = 2 This driver uses unsolicited (event driven) communication.
PollInterval = 10 Define the interval (number of seconds) for checking if the device is connected.
ReconnectAfter = 3 Define after how many successful connection checks CNCnetPDM should try to reconnect to the controllers Okuma MTConnect Adapter if the device changed its state from disconnected to connected. As the machine needs some time to start up the combination of PollInterval and ReconnectAfter should be long enough e.g. 10 x 3 = 30 sec. For older machines increase this value.
CollectStates = 0
CollectCounters = 0
For initial testing its recommended to set CollectStates and CollectCounters to 0. If you set them to 1 please make sure that you have matching tag names for OEE device states and part counter set up in the respective machine INI file.
Section [RS232]:
If you identify your controller by IP address change it from to its correct address e.g.
If you identify your controller by DNS-Hostname change it from localhost to its correct value e.g. OKUMA_1.
Change 0 after IP address to the port number your controller uses for communication (Default: 7878)
Change the name of the device driver from device.dll to mtcclient.dll
Change the value before mtcclient.dll to a number that matches your Okuma machine type: 2 = Okuma Standard Lathe 3 = Okuma Lathe 2 sides 4 = Okuma Machining Center 5 = Okuma Grinder
CNCnetPDM then automatically creates a suitable device INI file for this specific Okuma machine
A correct example for a Standard Lathe would look like:
Start CNCnetPDM, foreground program is sufficient (Start thread)
CNCnetPDM automatically copies the original mtcclient.dll and inserts the machine number as configured in the INI file, e.g. mtcclient_1000.dll for machine 1000.
In addition an INI file with the same name is automatically created by the device driver, e.g. mtcclient_1000.ini for machine with device number 1000.
Double click CNCnetControl, if your device number is 1000 and the device name is OKUMA #1 the output should be similar to the one below:
Here the machine (1) shows up as connected (2) which is good. If you receive data from the controllers MTConnect Adapter you can see it on the right side (3).
The line starting with O contains tag name | value pairs from valid tag names as defined in the INI file of the device. If you didn’t change the INI file you get something like the following:
1000 12/03/2023 05:05:16 PM O pexecution| ACTIVE| 10000000009
Tag name and value are delimited by a pipe ‘|’ symbol. This allows CNCnetPDM to create OPC UA Server or database output for every tag | value pair.
Note: To instruct CNCnetPDM to automatically create a device INI file that matches your Okuma machine type (Standard Lathe = 2, 2-Sides Lathe = 3, Machining center = 4 or Grinder = 5) you can simply edit CNCnetPDM.ini and, in section [RS232], change the value before mtcclient.dll from 0 to 2, 3, 4 or 5. A correct example for an Okuma Standard Lathe would look like: 1 = 1000;19200;8;N;1;OKUMA #1;; 7878;0;OKUMA_1;0;0; none;none;2;mtcclient.dll. If you already have a mtcclient_nnnn.ini file with incorrect content please rename or delete it before doing so.
This device driver enables to dynamically modify, enable or disable tags that should be acquired from the controller. It also allows to define the frequency and content of ping commands that have to be sent to the Adapter. Definition of a tag name for availability enables the driver to determine if the controller connected to its Adapter is up or down. By setting a tag name and possible values for OEE device states you can output numeric values for these states. Setup of a part counter tag name allows incremental or cumulative part counting in CNCnetPDM.
Section [GENERAL]
Contains information about the ping interval in seconds (default 10) and the command (default ‘* PING’) to be sent to the Adapter.
Here you can define and limit tags to be acquired from the device. Valid tags are identified by their name and have to be delimited with pipe ‘|’ characters. The number of predefined tags depends on the controller type you select in CNCnetPDM.ini, Standard Lathe, 2-Sides Lathe, Machining Center or Grinder. Maximum = 160.
Allows to define a tag name that should be used to determine if the controller connected to its Adapter is up or down (default ‘avail’). MTC Adapters usually provide this tag. For Adapters that do not output this tag you can use any tag name that changes to ‘UNAVAILABLE’ if the controller goes down f.i. ‘fmode’.
Contains a tag name (Standard Lathe: ‘pexecution’) and its possible values for states Producing (2) (default ‘active’), Manual (3) (default ‘stopped’) and Interrupted (4) (default ‘interrupted’). CNCnetPDM automatically reports (0) for devices that are not reachable at all and (1) for reachable devices where the Adapter does not respond.
Here you can define which tag name (Standard Lathe: ‘ppartcount’) outputs numeric part counts. This enables you to use CNCnetPDM’s cumulative or incremental part counting features that allow detection of part counter reset operations at the controller.
Sections [ERROR1-3]
In these sections you can define tag names and values that indicate a faulted OEE machine state. If, for example the emergency button at the controller is pressed the adapter outputs tag 'estop' with value 'triggered'. If you define this tag name and its value in one of the error sections the device driver outputs machine state 5 in case they are received.
Note: To change the content of this INI file while CNCnetPDM is running open it with a text editor such as notepad, make the desired changes and save the file. To apply the changes immediately you can click on the machine in CNCnetControl on the left side followed by clicking buttons ‘Close’ and ‘Open’ above the section ‘Devices’.
The device driver writes a log file entry for any communication issue to the log file of the device. The file can be found in subdirectory \log of your CNCnetPDM program folder. The file format for the log file is log_ + device number + _ + date.txt. Please check this file first if you observe an issue.
If the machine shows a red icon, state disconnected the machine is not reachable at all. This has nothing to do with the device driver, the controller is switched off, it’s a network issue, DNS Hostname or IP Address is wrong. With CollectStates = 1 set in CNCnetPDM.ini you get output E 0 in regular intervals in this case.
If the machine shows a green icon, state connected but you do not see any output even there is activity at the controller the machine is reachable but the MTConnect device driver is not able to connect to the Okuma MTConnect Adapter at the controller. In this case, check your controller setup and the parameters used in section [RS232] of CNCnetPDM.ini. Please use the tool Okuma test program to check if you are able to connect to the Adapter and get data. With CollectStates = 1 set in CNCnetPDM.ini you get output E 1 in regular intervals in this case.
It could also be that the MTConnect Adapter at the controller is not running on or no MTC items are activated at the device. Please refer to chapter 7 of the 'Okuma MTConnect Adapter Software User Manual'.
If you do not get any tag data please make sure that entries CollectOrders, CollectQuality and CollectFeeder are set to 1 in section [General] of CNCnetPDM.ini.
If specific tag names are not output check first with the Okuma test program that you get output. Then check if the tag names sent by your Adapter are included in section [MTC TAG NAMES].
If you already have a previous version of the driver installed and would like to upgrade to the most recent version proceed as follows:
Stop any CNCnetPDM background service or foreground program that uses the device driver
Extract all content of into the folder where you have CNCnetPDM installed, overwrite the existing files.
Delete all mtcclient_NNNN.dll (NNNN = machine number) files. If you already have created adapted INI files for specific devices do NOT delete the mtcclient_NNNN.ini files.
After restarting CNCnetPDM upgraded device driver versions for all machines are automatically created.
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