OPC UA (short for Open Platform Communications United Architecture) is a data exchange protocol for industrial communication that consists of a server and client part. The server part may be located at a technical device that provides its machine-, process-, quality- and alarm-data to one or more clients. CNCnetPDM OPC UA Client and UA Device driver enable you to communicate with these devices, read, write and monitor selected items and output them to various targets. By using the CNCnetPDM OPC UA Server you can add OPC UA functionality to any supported device.
CNCnetPDM OPC UA IoT Interfaces
The OPC UA MTConnect Adapter enables access to machines with an OPC UA Server by any MTConnect compatible application
The OPC UA Database Interface allows output of data from machines with an OPC UA Server to various SQL Databases
The CNCnetPDM Standard OPC UA Server enables you to add OPC UA Server functionality to any device connected to CNCnetPDM. It dynamically creates nodes and variables according to your device setup and allows connections from any OPC UA compliant client.
FIG. 1: CNCnet PDM OPC UA Server output
Add OPC UA Server features to any device supported by CNCnetPDM
Dynamically create nodes and variables based on setup of each device
Provide endpoints with anonymous or secured authentication for OPC UA clients
Add non-secure and secure communication channels
Support simultaneous subscription and real-time monitoring of variables from different devices
The CNCnetPDM Standard OPC UA Client allows you to connect to any OPC UA compliant server and read/write data from/to it. It also supports monitoring of real-time data and calling of methods provided by the server.
FIG. 2: Monitoring of multiple OPC UA nodes
Discover endpoints and supported authentication methods on local and remote OPC UA servers
Establish non-secure or secure communication channels
Browse the OPC UA server’s address space and read all properties of a selected node
By using the CNCnetPDM Standard OPC UA Device driver you can acquire data from up to 58 OPC UA servers from different vendors simultaneously by a single instance of CNCnetPDM.
FIG. 3: OPC UA data output by CNCnetControl
Connect to selected endpoints on OPC UA compliant servers
Monitor data in solicited (time controlled) or unsolicited (event driven) mode
Standardize output of OPC UA servers from different manufacturers
Output data to various databases, MTConnect compatible programs or the CNCnetPDM OPC UA Server
Access, read and write OPC UA data from your own applications